For Marketers Who Are Fed Up Paying Google and Facebook’s Astronomical Click Prices
Stop Being Held Hostage By Facebook and Google
They don’t need you, but you need them
You know you Need Another Channel. What channel should you pick? Here’s what Amazon picked:
I got a promotional letter in the mail last Friday from Amazon – yes the same Amazon that is the absolute king of online retail. They control 49% of all ecommerce transactions. The letter offered a 99 cent trial of Amazon Music. If Amazon is using direct mail, don’t you think you should be too?

Letter From Amazon
Most marketers I’ve spoken with have never tried direct mail. They tell me they want to try but have heard too many horror stories. The few that have tried mail usually report miserable failures. Very few have told me they’ve tested and succeeded with direct mail. Have you tried direct mail and lost your shirt? This is for you.
Profit From Direct Mail Or ALL Your Money Back
The biggest concern I hear over and over again is that direct mail is too expensive and it loses money. When we work together, I’ll guarantee your success. It would be like Facebook refunding your clicks if they don’t convert.
You’ll get my expert support for all stages of your first mail campaign. List selection – offer selection – creative design – postal discounts – state of the art tracking that shows when the piece is going to be delivered – result tracking and hand holding throughout the process. Then you’ll have no financial risk since I guarantee you’ll make more profit from the mailing than you spend with me.
How Long Does It Take?
Profitable results have come back as fast as the same week as the first request to get started. Usually it takes about a week to get the mail piece designed, another week to mail it, and another week for it to get delivered.
Why Use Mark?
Direct Mail is just another channel like Facebook or Google. Do you remember when you started with them? I know my first few campaigns were major disasters losing hundreds of dollars. I bought an ebook. I applied everything I learned from a book into a new campaign and spent $1024 with no leads. But then I got help from an expert and was able to turn them into consistent profitable marketing channels with $18 leads. It wasn’t “one simple trick” It was a complete redo. I needed expert guidance.
I’m offering that guidance to you today. Together, let’s break free from rising click costs. We’ll work together to create a great offer to a great list. There’s no risk to you: I have a generous guarantee so you’ll never lose money. I can do that because I was in the printing and mailing business for 17 years. When I left it, I mailed up to 2 million pieces a month. That’s not 2 million of the same piece. Most of the jobs were 5,000 to 50,000 pieces. I was able to turn a commodity printing service into a high value product based business by creating designs that got response and mailing them to a list of qualified prospects.
Here’s How It Works
We’ll have a quick chat about your product and market
We’ll agree who to send the mail to
I’ll design the mail piece and you’ll approve it
You’ll pay half of our agreed upon fee.
I’ll mail it out for you
Two weeks later, you’ll tell me if it’s profitable. If it is, you’ll pay me the other half. If not, I’ll pay your first half back.
Completely Risk Free To You
If you don’t make more money than you paid, I’ll give your entire payment back. That’s not just my fees, but it includes everything including the printing and postage.
Get Started
To give you my best work and help you have the most success, I can only work with 2 clients at a time. Please text me at 727-560-8297 or email me at right away with any questions or to get started.